KaijuCombat Wiki

Height 196 meters length
Weight 48,000 tons
Gender Male
Combat Style Melee
Primary Attacks Plasma Breath, Electric Spike
Secondary Attacks Spiky Electric Cloak
Primary Weapon Plasma Tail Whip
Secondary Weapon Fists, Teeth, Claws, & Spikes
Energy Style Beam


Spike is a large snake with a sapient body posture, he is also a loud-mouthed sometimes a foul-mouthed guy. His home planet was destroyed along with another planet. He currently lives in earth to protect them.


Spike is the sole survivor of his species, whose planet was destroyed when another planet drifted from its orbit collided and with his own. He was brought to earth by his elder brother, and was adopted by a giant when his brother was lost. Years passed, and Spike was a grown monster, fighting against another giant creature, which he defeated by using his plasma tail whip. Suddenly, a group of even larger monsters known as kaiju began something of a war. Spike thought it would be fun to join them. He was severely injured but he said something was wrong when he was fighting, He sensed real danger, and he sensed that he'd involved himself in something greater.

Energy System[]

Since Spike has been living on earth for thousands of years, he has adapted to the sun and his surroundings, so he regains energy from the earth and sunlight.

Ranged Combat[]

Spike can charge himself up and can shoot out a stream of plasma from his mouth, which can deals heavy damage to his opponents. He can also channel the plasma to his tail and whip foes with it,

he can also threaten his opponents by showing his spikes which he can charge with electric.


Though not used often, Spike will use grappling techniques to defeat his opponents when enraged. He uses his long body to coil around enemies.

Melee Combat[]

Spike usually fights in a humanoid style, by using his fists and throwing kicks. His tail is also used for melee combat and so are his claws.


Spike is very tall and slender, with his body being a very dark maroon. Covered in conical spikes he is otherwise identical to an earth snake with limbs.
